About Us

Invest in Education Foundation is a research and policy
501(c)(3) organization that educates the public and policymakers about school choice as a means to expand educational freedom and opportunity for K-12 parents and students.

Our Mission

Our mission at Invest in Education Foundation is to guarantee that every child in America has access to a great education.

We believe that expanding educational freedom and opportunity for America’s K-12 parents and students is the way to achieve this goal.


Tax Credit Scholarships Are Working for Families & Students Across America.

Tax Credit Scholarships are already working for hundreds of thousands of families in more than 21 states across America. The Educational Choice for Children Act (ECCA) would expand this successful model to all 50 states. Learn more about how the largest tax credit scholarships are working for families and students.

Additional research on educational freedom and school choice can be accessed at EdChoice’s Research Library.


Indiana offers donors tax credits for contributing to Scholarship Granting Organizations (SGOs), nonprofits that distribute private school scholarships to students from low- and middle-income households. 11,405 scholarships awarded in 2022-23.


Arizona’s tax credit scholarships helped families through the pandemic.


Florida’s tax credit scholarship program helps to improve ALL schools and had more than 125,000 participating students in the last year.


Georgia’s successful Qualified Education Expense Tax Credit program awarded over 19,000 scholarships in 2022 to give Georgia students more options.


Iowa’s School Tuition Organization Tax Credit has helped students across Iowa from low- and middle-income households access the education that best fits their needs.


Pennsylvania has two private school choice programs, two tax-credit scholarships. These programs help families send their children to participating private schools. Over 77,000 scholarships awarded in recent years.

ECCA Freedom Principles
ECCA Impact on SGOs
Protecting Religious Freedom & Operational Protections
Education Freedom Benefits Rural Students